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This cookie statement was last updated on January 29, 2021, and applies to citizens of the European Economic Area.

1. Introduction

Our website, (hereinafter: “The Website”) uses cookies and similar technologies (for the sake of simplicity, all of these are grouped under “Cookies”). Cookies are also placed by third parties commissioned by us. In the document below we inform you about the use of cookies on our website.

2. What are cookies?

A cookie is a simple small file that is sent together with the pages of an Internet address and can be saved by the web browser on the PC or other device. The information stored therein can be sent to our servers or those of relevant third-party providers during subsequent visits.

3. What are scripts?

A script is part of the program code that enables our website to function properly and interactively. This code is executed on our server or on your device.

4. What is a web beacon?

A web beacon (also called a pixel tag) is a small invisible fragment of text or an image on a website that is used to monitor traffic on the website. In order to make this possible, various data about you are stored using web beacons.

5. Cookies

5.1 Technical or functional cookies

Some cookies ensure that parts of our website function properly and that your user preferences are known. By placing functional cookies, we make it easier for you to visit our website. This way you do not have to enter the same information repeatedly when you visit our website, or your items remain in your shopping cart until you pay, for example. We can place these cookies without your consent.

5.2 Analysis cookies

Since statistics are collected anonymously, no permission is required to place analytical cookies.

6. Cookies placed

7. Your rights in relation to personal information

You have the following rights in relation to your personal data:

  • You have the right to know why your personal data is needed, what happens to it and how long it is kept.
  • Right of access: You have the right to view the personal data known to us.
  • Right to correction: You have the right whenever you wish to add, correct, delete or block your personal data.
  • If you have given us your consent to the processing of your data, you have the right to revoke this consent and have your personal data deleted.
  • Right to data transfer of your data: You have the right to request all your personal data fr
  • om one controller and to transfer it in its entirety to another controller.
  • Right of objection: You can object to the processing of your data. We comply with this unless there are legitimate reasons for the processing.

To exercise these rights, please contact us. Please note the contact details at the end of this cookie statement. If you have a complaint about how we handle your data, we would like to hear from you, but you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (the data protection authority).

8. Activation / deactivation and deletion of cookies

You can use your internet browser to automatically or manually delete cookies. You can also specify whether special cookies should not be placed. Another possibility is to set up your internet browser in such a way that you are notified every time a cookie is placed. For more information about these options, see the instructions in the help section of your browser.

Please note that our website may not work properly if all cookies are deactivated. If you delete the cookies in your browser, they will be placed again when you visit our website again.

9. Contact details

©2020 by IFI. All rights reserved.

Hasan Yilmaz
Herbststrasse 14
D-87439 Kempten

+49 831 570 50 76
+49 171 9 36 36 39

Developed by “Der Super-Nerd

Durch die weitere Nutzung der Seite stimmen Sie der Verwendung von Cookies zu. Weitere Informationen

Die Cookie-Einstellungen auf dieser Website sind auf "Cookies zulassen" eingestellt, um das beste Surferlebnis zu ermöglichen. Wenn du diese Website ohne Änderung der Cookie-Einstellungen verwendest oder auf "Akzeptieren" klickst, erklärst du sich damit einverstanden.
